
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Shelley Gregory's Post: Were You There:

As my practice develops I am becoming more interested in the power of art to engage with communities. Art may not be able to solve issues per say but it can raise awareness and facilitate questions.
As we explored the park over the week we used various techniques, geomapping, sound walks, drawing, photography and group discussions. The overwhelming sound within the park for me was the birdsong. The park is a haven for a variety of birds including a woodpecker.
On one of my sound recording walks I stood beneath a tree capturing the sound of a blackbird. The rain was falling from a very grey sky but his song was still joyous. For those few moments nothing else mattered I was completely focused on the song. It was then that a couple walked by. They were soaking wet, weary and from their conversation as they passed by in pain from a long walk.  As I suspected they were homeless. It was this moment that sparked the idea for my piece. Hanley Park is so important to them, it is where they are living at the moment. They find shelter there. I was reminded of the old hymn, “When I Needed a Shelter, Were You There?”
There is a pagoda in the park, a relic from the 1986 Garden Festival. It is small but it is a shelter. I printed the words to the song and hung them in the roof. I wanted a visual reference to each verse so beneath the words I placed cardboard boxes to be plinths for objects, a reminder of the Cardboard City.
“I was cold I was naked” – A blanket, “I was hungry and thirsty” – Bread, fruit and grape juice, “I needed a shelter” – a house brick, “I needed a neighbour” – a cup of sugar. Not only are they practical symbols of our basic needs as human beings they reflect the answer that I have found in my life to meet my needs. As a Christian I read the Bible and see that the life of Jesus is reflected in these objects. He drank from the cup of suffering and was crucified, His folded grave clothes were a sign of His resurrection, Communion reminds me of this and I have found a permanent home with Him. These spiritual beliefs call me to live a life that provides practical help.
Everyone I spoke to that was using the park on Saturday would like it to have a café. I think that if the HFL bid is successful then a café should be priority. It would be a good hub within the park for everyone.  I know that some coffee shops have a system where customers can buy a ‘spare drink’ with their own. Then if a homeless person comes in they can get a drink. It’s a small thing but it can make a huge difference.
The residency was an amazing experience and I wouldn’t hesitate to apply for similar projects in the future.  

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