
Friday, March 22, 2013

Park Traces is off the ground!

This week the Park Traces team received good news that the first phase of funding has been confirmed for one part of the programme. The approach that we have taken is to instigate a number of phases (loosely based within the seasons) to securing funding, and applying to different funding sources for each part of the project. The aim is to engage a wide range of people on the project, and therefore relevant funding sources are being targeted for each, giving us time over the year to build the project, and involve stakeholders, and by the end of the year the programme will be full and varied.
The first funding bid to come through was to the Staffordshire University TESS fund, and is secured to fund a project where 15 students and 3 artists embark on a project together, as co-researchers, undertaking an action research model, to look at the park and document it, as it is today, using geotagging and other documentary methods, then planning a response to the park which aims to identify problems, gaps and development needs, and make site responsive art works which suggest possible solutions. These interventions will then be used as conversation starters with the public: to see what they think about the development needs in the park.
Come back here throughout the year to see how we get along.

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